Terms of Use for Sizzle Japan

This website (https://sizzle-japan.com/) is operated by iTEM Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “iTEM”). Please read the following terms of use carefully and agree to them before using this website. Please note that the site policy and related regulations may be changed without notice.

Restrictions on the Use of Inquiry Forms

The various inquiry forms on this website are limited to use within the scope of services provided by “Sizzle Japan” and various consultations. We strictly decline any use for collaboration proposals, sales solicitations, form DM, etc. If used for unauthorized purposes, you may be liable for damages.

About Affiliate Programs

Amazon Associates Program Declaration

iTEM’s operated sites participate in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

Google AdSense Participant Declaration

iTEM’s operated sites use Google AdSense, which uses cookies and web beacons to deliver ads. Cookies enable the delivery of ads based on your access information to your site or other sites on the Internet. If you do not wish to provide information, you can set not to use cookie options from Google’s policy and principles page.

Other Advertising Services

iTEM’s operated sites also use third-party advertising services “A8.net” and “Value Commerce.”

Please note that products and services linked through these affiliate programs are not managed or operated by iTEM. For any damage or trouble related to products or services, please contact the respective store or service provider. iTEM cannot assume responsibility.


iTEM takes great care in posting information on this website but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. iTEM may change the information posted on this website without notice.

iTEM and its affiliates are not responsible for any direct or indirect loss incurred by the use of the information or content contained on this website.

Copyright & Trademarks

All information on this website, including text, illustrations, logos, photos, videos, software, etc., is copyrighted by iTEM or third parties.

Except for personal use or other cases permitted by copyright law, you may not use this information (including reproduction, modification, distribution, public transmission, etc.) without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

Also, the names of iTEM’s facilities or services posted on this website are trademarks or registered trademarks of iTEM, its affiliates, and trading companies.


Links to This Website

Links to this website are generally free, whether for profit or non-profit. However, please refrain from linking if it falls under or is likely to fall under the following:

  • Websites that defame or intend to discredit iTEM or other companies/organizations.
  • Websites that infringe or may infringe on intellectual property rights, property, privacy, or other rights of iTEM or other companies/organizations.
  • Websites that may cause confusion by displaying this website within a frame or in a way that makes it unclear that the content belongs to iTEM.
  • Any other acts that violate laws, ordinances, regulations, or public order and morals, or that may interfere with the operation of this website service.

Unauthorized use of iTEM’s registered trademarks, such as logos and marks, for linking is not permitted. Misleading linking is also declined. Please note that the URL of this website may change without notice.

iTEM assumes no responsibility for compensation, complaints, etc., related to links.

Recommended Environment

For a safer and more comfortable experience, we recommend the following browsers:

  • For Windows users:
    Microsoft Edge latest version, Mozilla Firefox latest version, Google Chrome latest version.
  • For Macintosh (Mac OS X) users:
    Safari latest version, Google Chrome latest version.
  • For smartphones and tablets:
    Latest OS version, latest browser version.


Some content on this website uses JavaScript for a more comfortable experience. If JavaScript is turned off (disabled) in your browser settings, it may not display correctly or be operable.

About the Use of Access Analysis Services

This website uses access analysis services with cookies and web beacons. When you access this website, information about your web browser environment and the pages you view is automatically collected and sent/stored to the company providing the access analysis service.

iTEM and the access analysis service provider use this information only for statistical analysis of website usage and do not use it for any other purpose. Also, information that can identify individuals is not collected.