Privacy Policy

Handling of Personal Information on Our Website

We manage and protect the personal information of those who access our website as follows:

Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

The personal information you provide will be used for the purpose of providing the services you wish to receive and within the appropriate scope of our business operations. For example, personal information entrusted to us when you request materials such as brochures or booklets, utilize waste diagnosis, apply for seminars, etc., will be used for legitimate purposes such as sending materials, contacting you about waste diagnosis, contacting you about seminars, and providing information about our products and services.

Handling of Personal Information

We appoint a manager responsible for handling customer information and strive for proper management of personal information.

Management of Personal Information

We take reasonable technical measures and conduct awareness activities for our employees to prevent loss, alteration, leakage, etc., of customer information stored in our managed system.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We use and manage your personal information within the scope of the collection purpose, and unless there are special circumstances, we will not disclose or provide it to third parties without your consent.

Outsourcing of Personal Information

When we outsource the processing of personal information to an external party, we will obligate them by contract not to leak or re-provide it and ensure proper management.

Disclosure of Personal Information

When we receive a request for disclosure of personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, we will confirm that the request is from the user and disclose it to the user without delay. However, this does not apply if we are not obligated to disclose it under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws.

Inquiries from Customers

If you wish to confirm or correct your personal information, please contact our respective offices, and we will respond promptly within a reasonable range. If the contact point is unclear, please contact the personal information manager at the end of this document.

Efforts to Protect Personal Information

We will comply with applicable laws and norms regarding personal information we hold and maintain and improve our efforts and protection activities in each of the above items.

Use of Cookies

Our website may use “Cookies.” Cookies are very small text files that store information necessary to identify your computer. Also, Cookies do not identify you personally. You can choose whether or not to allow the use of Cookies using your browser settings. If you do not allow the use of Cookies, you may not be able to use part of our website. (There may be restrictions on the use of some parts of our website.)

About Linked Websites

We do not guarantee the content, safety, etc., of other businesses or individuals’ websites linked to our website, and we do not intend to endorse such linked websites by setting up such links. When accessing the linked destination, please carefully check the content and terms of use of the linked website and view or use it.

Personal Information Manager

iTEM Co., Ltd. IT Integrated Services Division
〒671-1511 Hyogo Prefecture, Ibo District, Taishi Town, Ota 1688-1
Representative Director: Hisashi Fukumoto